Member Conduct Code
Epic Game | Community rules
Lets make sure the Epic Game community stays upbeat, for gaming and connecting with others – it's crucial to maintain this atmosphere.
These guidelines are, for every player of Epic Games. Emphasize the importance of kindness and respect, within the community guidelines may not address every scenario but offer a code of behavior to follow.
Following the rules is easy. Deviating from them might result in consequences such, as fines or restrictions.
Community Rules
- Make sure not to disclose anyones information besides what they have made public and always protect your own sensitive data when you can.
- Epic Games is committed, to standing up against all forms of harassment or discrimination. Our community prioritizes respect and inclusivity.
- Remember to be polite, in conversations or during gaming sessions and avoid pretending to be someone such, as players and well known personalities or employees of Epic Games.
- Stay honest. Avoid using shortcuts or tricks that give you an edge, in the game.
- Remember to maintain conduct, within the Epic Game universe. Make sure your interactions and content are always courteous and constructive.
- Every breach is assessed on its merits. The repercussions vary based on the gravity of the transgression.
- If you come across any actions that violate our Community Rules or Content Guidelines while playing the game. Be sure to use the tools provided to report them.
- Please be aware that our Epic Game Community guidelines are subject, to updates. Stay updated. Lets have a time gaming together!
Make sure you stay updated on the rules of the Epic Game Community as they may change over time to keep the enjoyment going strong!
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